Letting go of Stuff !

Letting go of stuff

For those following my procrastinating on Facebook, you’ll know it is not as easy as it sounds. With our departure date looming, I have been forced into revaluating again and again what I had planned to cram into the backpacks for our adventure. The weight finally forcing me into letting go of the non-essentials such as jewellery, extra shoes and at least 2kgs of toiletries! A year’s travel could be a great opportunity to see if not using shampoo does do your hair good. If it’s not light or necessary, then it’s not going.

 Packing up my home has been a far less traumatic experience. I have realised I have placed too much emphasis on the stuff in my life. Emotional connections to items that I don’t even like, just because they were gifted to me or reminded me of someone. I pulled out valuable items, bubbled wrapped and stored safely under the bed, not even displayed for fear of earthquakes or boys boisterous play.

After inspecting my bathroom cupboard, I decided not to purchase any more toiletries or makeup and instead use what I had accumulated. Four months later, after 2 bulk toiletries sales on Trade Me I am still using it! You must ask yourself, just how much shampoo does a girl really need?

When I caught myself vetting out the suitability of the person who had purchased online several pairs of my shoes to see if she was worthy of appreciating them, I realised I had a shoe problem. Over 40 pairs, 18 handbags and I still routinely walk around the supermarket barefoot on a hot day! No. They had to go……

One of the biggest learnings I have had so far on this journey is its just ‘stuff’ and to let it go. We have packed into storage the essentials, set up our home as fully furnished for tenants and sold the rest, raising just over $13k. Trading in my treasures, to be replaced instead by treasured memories. This cleansing process has not only been financially prudent, but also has been emotionally cathartic and we feel better prepared to live off the bare minimum over the coming months.

Some of our learnings for you to consider

·         People will buy anything. I tested the theory and yes absolutely anything!!

·         Sell, sell and sell – off set some of those costs before you travel puts more money in the budget to spend on the road

·         One pair of Chaos & Harmony shoes = One whole week of accommodation in Cambodia

·         When selling clothes, I often get comments such as “wow, they are like new”, often because they were! We buy so much stuff we don’t really need. Challenge yourself to ask is this a ‘want’ or a ‘need’, with the reality being we need very little.

·         Letting go and decluttering our lives is incredibly freeing. It has enabled us to transition gradually into living from a back pack for a year. It also feels liberating to be freed from keeping up a show home or having the latest fashions hanging in the wardrobe.

·         If I sell good stuff, then so must others. They sure do! Travel blog’s will highlight all the latest gear and travel accessories the world traveller will need.  Tip, research the gear and buy second-hand. We have accumulated 95% of our travel gear from Trade me including near new travel packs, Kathmandu easy dry clothing, security products and much more. All like new or used once for a week’s holiday a year ago

A New Year’s resolution for 2018 you might consider adding to your list - Purge the stuff and increase the value of your life in an incredible way!

Countdown 5 days to go!!


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