Travel Vaccinations

Today was the first of 4 vaccination days over the next six weeks. Rabies, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Typhoid, done and dusted with no major meltdown from Michael, although getting him back there next week could be a challenge.

You will find lots of debate and differing opinions on some of these vaccinations on line which can be confusing and leave you feeling none the wiser. In fact 'to do or not to do' discussions tend to go the same way as the MMR debates, best avoided ! The best advise we read was talk to a Travel Nurse, get the facts and if still unsure just do it. $700 is nothing compared to piece of mind. Having experienced a pack of aggressive stray dogs on an isolated beach in Turkey and seen nasty bites from Monkeys in Gibraltar, we decided to plan for the unexpected.

The first 'unexpected' however was the cost!! Our first visit to the Travel Nurse setting us back nearly $700.00.

Rabies at $160 a vile x 3 Talk to your Travel nurse as they may be able to find other travellers happy to the share the vile and share the cost.
Hepatitis B $ 50 x 3
Polio $80 x 2
Yellow fever $120.00 x 3
Typhoid and Hepatitis A $166.00 x 2
Hep A Junior $75.00
Typhoid $70.00 x1
Blood Test $30 each

Lets not forget Rabies is still fatal. Rabies vaccinations consists of 3 pre-exposure shots over a month. If you get bitten / scratched and have had the vaccinations, you will just need two follow up shots. If not you are faced with the additional dilemma of finding a medical facility within hours that has the immunoglobulin injection in stock. If off the beaten track in a remote location this would involve additional travel inconvenience and cost. The treatment would then require at least 5 further shots around the bite itself and from all accounts an extremely painful process.
The prospect of travelling hours with a hysterical 10 year old who's been bitten and convinced himself he's going to die, didn't appeal to us and would likely traumatise us all. So we have decided to suck it up and just pay the bill!

First tip for other potential world travellers - Factor in the cost of travel vaccinations early into the budget.


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